Sunday, January 22, 2012

Social Style: Pinterest

Social media is transforming the way that the fashion industry and fashion-lovers share and distribute styles ideas, looks and much more. In the past, store websites were the main source that one would go to to browse styles, put together looks and make "wish lists". Today there is a ton of websites out there where fashion-lovers can spend time doing everything from styling their own personal looks to where to get the best discounted buys at the time. My blog will explore these different social sites that every fashionista should know about.

The first social network site that I want to talk about is Pinterest. Pinterest is an "online pinboard" where the user makes an account that is viewable by their Facebook friends and Twitter followers. Say you are browsing online, looking at a cute new bathing suit that you are dying to buy. You can "pin it" to your account and share the look with your friends. The pin links directly to the site that you were originally on.

At first, I was skeptical of the whole Pinterest idea. Why would I want to share the things that I want to buy with other people (I want to be the only one with that cute bathing suit!). However, once I made an account, I was addicted. Who knew that so many of my Facebook friends had such great fashion sense? I even found an amazing pair of boots from one of my friend's pins, that I purchased for just $30!

Pinterest also has much more to offer than style-looks and where to buy clothes. It often links to interesting fashion blogs that you probably otherwise would never have found. In addition to fashion, Pinterest is also a God-send to everyone from food-lovers to fitness freaks. I mean, how many other websites can I spend 10 minutes on and come away with a hot formal dress, a recipe for buffalo chicken grilled cheese, and a new ab workout? Trust me, you'll love it.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree that at first I was a bit skeptical of Pinterest, and I have to admit that to this day I have still not asked for an invitation to Pinterest. While I do not have an actual account, I go to Pinterest probably once a week just to skim through the pages and save any pictures or quotes that I find interesting to my desktop. The part about Pinterest that keeps me skeptical is repinning, but as you have described it in your blog post it makes it sound more practical than how I was imagining it.

    Thanks for your insight into Pinterest, I may now actually have to get an account of my own!
